圣誕新年臨近,美國華盛頓中國和平統一促進會,華盛頓中國統一促進會和喬治華 盛頓大學中國和平統一促進會聯合向美國第112屆國會的參眾議員發出了節日賀信, 期待議員們支持中國的和平統一,促進中美關系健康發展,在新任期的新一年取得 成功。 原文譯文如下: 尊敬的XXX議員: 我們很高興給您寫信祝您和您的家人節日快樂。祝賀您在美國國會的新任期,期待 您為這個偉大的國家提供杰出的服務。 我們在美國的華人希望有一個健康發展的中美關系。我們也非常希望看到台灣海峽 兩岸的關系不斷得以改善,這有益于海峽兩岸的人民。我們堅信這也符合美國的國 家利益。事實上,几乎所有的中國人,不管他們來自大陸還是寶島台灣,或者來自 世界的任何地方,都希望能見證海峽兩岸能夠實現最終的和平統一,結束這60年國 內戰爭帶來的分离。 我們在這里期待您對中國和平統一的支持,期待您對加強發展中美間的健康良好關 系的作用。我們將繼續支持您的工作,祝愿您在新的一年里取得成功。 謝謝。 美國華盛頓中國和平統一促進會 華盛頓中國統一促進會 喬治華盛頓大學中國和平統一促進會 2010年12月10日 ENGLISH IN ORIGINAL Dec., 10, 2010 The Honorable Senator Xxxxxxx : It is our great pleasure to write to you and wish you and your family a happy holiday season. We congratulate your new term in the U.S. Congress and count on your great service for our country. We Chinese-Americans in U.S. are expecting a healthy relation between the United States and China, and also hope to see a continued improvement of the stability and peace between mainland China and the island of Taiwan, which is greatly beneficial to the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. We believe it is also in the best US national interest. As a matter of fact, a vast majority of the Chinese, no matter whether they are from mainland China or the Island of Taiwan and no matter where they are in the world, wish to witness a peaceful and ultimate reunification across the Taiwan Straits after a separation of sixty years as a result of a civil war. We now seek your support in China’s eventual peaceful reunification and in the strengthening the healthy and friendly relationship between China and the United States. We will continue to support you in any way we can and wish you a great success in the coming year. Sincerely yours, Huiqiu Wu, Ph. D.President National Association for China’s Peaceful Unification Washington, DC Sai-Yee Lee, President Washington Association for the Promotion of China’s Reunification Yuan Le, President The Association of the Promotion for Peaceful Reunification of China in George Washington University |