December 5, 2011 Honorable Congressman/Senator XXXXX XXXX : Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! During this holiday season, we also wish a healthy and friendly relationship between the United States and China because we believe it is very important to two great countries and to the global prosperity and peace as well. We Chinese American and elsewhere in the world are expecting a continued peaceful development of cross-Strait relations in China because we have no doubt that it is beneficial not only to the people on both sides of the Taiwan strait, but also is in line with the best nation’s interest of United States. We urge U.S. and all responsible countries not to sell weapons to Taiwan because it will only encourage the separatism and thus increase the crisis across the Taiwan Strait. We, as always, seek your support in an eventual China’s peaceful reunification, and in promoting a healthy and friendly U.S.-Sino relationship. For sure we will continue to count on you just as you can count on our Chinese-Americans. Sincerely yours, Hui-Qiu Wu, Ph.D. Executive President (2011-2012) Chinese-American Alliance for China's Peaceful Reunification in USA (CAACPR) CAACPR formed by following 15 organizations: Chuenhsiung Hua, President New York Association for Promoting Peaceful Reunification of China Helen He, Excutive Vice-President National Association for China's Peaceful Unification in Washington, DC Sai-Yee Lee, President Washington Association for the Promotion of China’s Reunification Tony Zheng, President Pennsylvania Association for China’s Peaceful Reunification Howard Wu, President Chicago Alliance for China’s Peaceful Reunification Tze-chung Li, Ph.D. President, One China Committee William Q Hua, President China Peaceful Development Alliance-Houston (CPDA) John leung, President Texas Council for the Promotion of China’s Peaceful Reunification Isolde W. Chen, Acting President Global Chinese Alliance for the Unification of China Choo-Koon Ng, Pesident Committee to Promote Reunification of China, in San Francisco Bay Area George Pan, President Association of Western American Chinese peaceful unification Chin Lin, President Chinese Association for Peaceful Unification- North California Zhonying Zhao, President Chinese American Tribune Pius Hsu, President President of the Alliance for Peaceful National Reunification of China Chung Wang, President Institute of Sino Strategy studies, San Diego ************************ 全美中國和平統一促進會聯合會給美國國會議員的節日賀信 一年一度的聖誕新年節慶期將臨﹐全美中國和平統一促進會聯合會聯合日前給美國 國會議員發出了節日的賀信賀卡﹐恭賀新年節日快樂。全美統促會聯合會由全美國 七個大都會地區的15個團體會員組成﹐實行年會和會務執行輪值制。今年的聯合會 年會內容為九月在華盛頓召開的“全球促進中國和平統一大會”﹐並由華盛頓地區 的華盛頓中國和平統一促進會擔任會務執行單位。該新年節日賀信英文可查閱www.nacpu. org﹐中文譯文如下。 尊敬的XXX XXX議員﹕ 值此聖誕暨2012年新年到來之際﹐請接受我們最誠摯的節日祝賀﹐祝您和您全家聖 誕﹑新年節日快樂。 歡度節慶之時﹐我們也更期待一個健康﹑友好的中美關係﹐因為這對兩個偉大的國 家乃至世界和平都非常重要。我們美國以及全球的華人華僑都希望中國的海峽兩岸 和平發展的局勢能夠繼續向前﹐這不僅有利於海峽兩岸人民﹐也符合美國的利益。 我們呼籲美國和任何負責任的國家都不要向台灣出售武器﹐因為這是對分裂勢力的 鼓勵和將增加台灣海峽的不安定因素。 和以往一樣﹐我們也尋求您對中國最終和平統一的支持﹐對推動中美兩國關係健康 友好發展的支持。我們相信您和我們美國華人僑胞可以相互信賴和依托﹐相互支持。 謹此恭賀。 全美中國和平統一促進會聯合會 紐約中國和平統一促進會、賓州中國和平統一促進會、華盛頓中國和平統一促進會、 華盛頓中國統一促進會;芝加哥中國和平統一促進會、休斯頓中國和平統一促進會、 德州中國和平統一促進會;舊金山灣區中國統一促進會、北加州中國和平統一促進 會、美西中國和平統一促進會、舊金山中國和平統一促進會、華夏政略研討會﹑全 球反獨促統聯盟、美華友好促統會、一中會 2011年12月5日 (華盛頓中國和平統一促進會供稿) |